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Trophic Levels

Shown is an artistic rendering of coloured nerve cells.

Networks of Life


Learn about the math behind networks and where we find networks in the natural and technological world.

Coyote walking through a park in Quebec

Coyotes: Coming to a town near you?

STEM Explained

Learn why coyotes are spreading in Canada and how this affects their relations with humans.

Hands holding soil and a small plant

The Dirt on Soil Conservation

STEM Explained

If I asked you to name a few things that all life on the planet couldn’t live without you could probably come up with some good answers, but I bet you’d never think to say dirt.

Mussels on a rocky coastline

Using Mussels to Monitor the Environment

STEM Explained

Mussels are a kind of invertebrate that filter food out of the water they live in. This makes them a great tool for monitoring environmental water quality and tracking bioaccumulation in aquatic food webs.

fancy guppies

Guppies, Guppies Everywhere!

STEM Explained

How do different populations adapt to their environment? Let’s explore this concept through guppy speciation.

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!