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Cluster 1: Maintaining A Healthy Body

How fast does a heart pump blood?

How fast does a heart pump blood?

Hands-on Activities

Get active in this activity and explore the impact of exercise on your heart rate. Ready, set, GO!

How much air do I breathe in?

How much air do I breathe in?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how to measure lung capacity and about the factors that can affect our lung capacity in this hands on activity.

Condensation on a window pane

Humidity on Earth and on the Space Station


Humidity is an important part of life on Earth and life in space. This backgrounder explains what humidity is, how it is measured and how it affects us both mentally and physically.

Dietitian Sorting Out Food Groups

Careers: Dietitian

Picture Collections

5 images of some work that a dietitian might do such as educating patients about how food affects their health