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Unit 5: Career and Community Experiences

Anthony Mantione

Anthony Mantione

Senior Economist

I work to improve the availability and accessibility of information to help Canadians make informed decisions about their careers.
Engineer inspecting a solar panel

Careers In Sustainability


Students explore non-traditional careers related to sustainability and sustainable development.

Celebrity talk show

Career Talk Show


Students will research a career (or career sector) and role-play being a person in that career being interviewed by a talk show host.

Electrical engineers at work

Engineering a Future Career


Students explore the different branches of engineering and discover the similarities and differences between them.

Welding trainee

Exploring Skilled Trades and Apprenticeships


Students explore a variety of skilled trades careers and learn about training requirements.

Students working together on a laptop

Learning About Technological Careers


Students will research careers and post-secondary pathways related to their current course. 

Student presenting to peers

Demonstrating Skills in Technological Careers


Students will learn and demonstrate skills required in a career of interest.

Boot on a shovel

Is This For Me? Reflecting On Occupational Fit


Students engage in self-reflection as they consider occupational fit and how various career options align with their personal strengths and preferences.

Ethical hacker

Careers of the Future


Students will learn about potential careers of the future and create their own job description.

Scientist testing water samples

Careers in the Great Outdoors


Students explore careers related to outdoors and the land and then design and build a water filter prototype.

Rock climbers

How Can I Take Responsible Risks?


Students share examples of responsible risk-taking and reflect on how they can take risks.

Diver with branches

Taking Risks in Your Career


Students learn about different ways that people take risks in their careers.

Help wanted sign

Help Wanted: STEM Career


Students will produce a Help Wanted Ad that lists the skills, personality attributes and job conditions for a specific career/job title. 

Volcanologists looking at glowing lava

Career Exploration : Volcanologist


Students construct a model of a volcano and explore the career of a volcanologist.

Timothy Burkhart

Query a Career Profile


Students will explore career profiles and relate them to what they are learning in science class.