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Weather and Climate

Warm and cool Earth

Weather: Temperature


Temperature affects the way we live, the clothes we wear and activities we do. But how does temperature vary across the globe?


Weather: Precipitation


Learn about humidity and the many forms of precipitation.

Clouds seen from an airplane

Weather: Clouds


Learn how clouds form and how they can be grouped into different categories

Soonwoong Kwon | Spécialiste en météorologie tactique (SMT)

Soonwoong Kwon

Tactical Weather Specialist (TWS)

Soonwoong Kwon is a Tactical Weather Specialist (TWS) for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Joint Meteorological Centre (JMT).
Keven Bruce | Tactical Weather Specialist

Keven Bruce

Career Profiles

Tactical Weather Specialist

Kevin Bruce is a Tactical Weather Specialist for the Canadian Armed Forces.
Holly Wortman | Technicienne en météorologie

Holly Wortman

Meteorological Technician

Holly Wortman is a Meteorological Technician for the Canadian Armed Forces.
Alan Bezanson | Instructeur principal en météorologie

Alan Bezanson

Senior Meteorological Instructor

Alan Bezanson is a Senior Meteorological Instructor for the Canadian Forces School of Meteorology.
Winter Hat

Seasonal Clothing: Winter

Picture Collections

11 images of some clothing that may typically be worn in the winter such as gloves, toques, scarves and snow boots

Downhill Skiing

Seasonal Activities: Winter

Picture Collections

13 images of some activities that may happen in the winter such as snowboarding, skating and playing hockey on ice

Weather station in Iceland

Measuring and Forecasting Weather


Learn about different weather instruments that meteorologists use to measure weather.

Tree through the four seasons

Why do we have seasons?


Learn why seasons change. Discover how they’re different in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

Cartoon leaf holding an umbrella over baby plant

What is Acid Rain?

STEM Explained

Acid rain is any precipitation that has an unusually low pH. It can be rain, snow, fog, etc. But what is a low pH and why is this a problem?

Thundersnow near a cabin on a hillside

Thundersnow: winter thunderstorms

STEM Explained

When thunder and lightning occur but the main form of precipitation is snow, not rain, it’s called thundersnow.

ChaoticMind75 - iStock

Why is it colder in the winter even though the Earth is closer to the Sun?

Hands-on Activities

Learn why we have seasons in this hands on activity.

Why is rain not salty?

Why is rain not salty?

Hands-on Activities

Make a model of the water cycle and find out how water moves around on planet Earth.