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Arctic Ecosystems

Caitlyn Lyons, prête pour la forêt avec son sac à dos et ses outils de collecte de données. La photo insérée montre Caitlyn examinant une section de gazon.

Caitlyn Lyons (she/her)

Career Profiles

Ph.D. Candidate

I am working towards my PhD and studying the forests in the Northwest Territories.
portrait de Sarah Lockwood

Sarah Lockwood (she/her)

Career Profiles

Mine Geologist

I study the geology of an area to figure out where diamonds are located.
Isabel Hilgendag

Isabel Hilgendag

Career Profiles

MSc Student (Biology)

I look for heavy metals, such as mercury, in Arctic marine animals, to ensure they are safe to eat.
Portrait de Gabriel Hould Gosselin

Gabriel Hould Gosselin

Career Profiles

Research Associate

I support teams that collect data on the melting permafrost layer in the arctic.
Ice on the Arctic Ocean

All About The Arctic: Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to give you background information on all things Arctic!

Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Nancy Duquet-Harvey

Career Profiles

Environmental Superintendent

I make sure that we don't harm the environment with our mining activities.
Dr. Jackie Dawson faisant des recherches sur le terrain sur l'île Beechy, Nunavut.

Jackie Dawson (she/her/they)

Career Profiles

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society, and Policy

I work with large teams of academics, Inuit knowledge holders, and decision makers to understand the risks and solutions to environmental change.
Chris Derksen en train de faire ses recherches sur le terrain en Arctique.

Chris Derksen (he/his)

Career Profiles

Climate Scientist

I use satellite data and climate models to understand how climate change is impacting snow and ice across Canada.
Anaïs Remili tenant un sac de poissons à étudier.

Anaïs Remili (she/her)

Whale Researcher

I am doing research on pollution in killer whales.
3D rendering of the offshore oceanographic science vessel

Canada’s Next Generation Oceanographic Science Research Ship


Learn about Canada’s newest Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessel.

Magali Houde

Magali Houde (she/her)

Career Profiles

Research Scientist

I lead projects that look at the impacts of pollution on aquatic environments.
Frobisher Bay near Baffin Island

Arctic Tundra Biome


Learn about the location, plants, animals, human impacts and conservation of the arctic tundra biome.

Narwhals, polar bears and other common Arctic animals swim in the Arctic waters.  Image © id-work, iStock

How are Arctic Animals in Canada Affected by Climate Change?

STEM Explained

Arctic animals have evolved to thrive in harsh arctic ecosystems, but the environmental footprint created by climate change is affecting their survival.