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Unit 1: Weather Dynamics

Viviana Ramirez-Luna dehors en hiver

Viviana Ramirez-Luna (she/her)

Environmental Entrepreneur

I founded (and run) a consulting company to help businesses, communities, and organizations reduce the waste they produce
Julie Thrasher au travail dans la salle de commande

Julie Thrasher

Career Profiles

Shift Manager (Nuclear Power)

I’m responsible for the safe and effective operation of a four unit nuclear power plant.
Lisa Jones

Lisa Jones

Career Profiles

Manager of Strategic Initiatives

I lead initiatives to improve leadership as well as the overall effectiveness of the organization.
Kasia Carisse devant un panneau de commandes

Kasia Carisse

Career Profiles

Control Room Supervisor (Nuclear Power)

I supervise the main control room at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.
Karissa Palinka headshot

Karissa Palinka (she/her)

Career Profiles

Technical Engineer

Karissa is working to reduce our carbon footprint through the use of Small Modular Reactors.
Pier on one of the Great Lakes

Let's Talk Great Lakes Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to give you good background knowledge on all things Great Lakes!

Factory smokestacks

Let's Talk Pollution Resources


Discover a set of resources designed to get you thinking about pollution.

Fishing boat catching fish

How will climate change impact fisheries?


Learn about how climate change is impacting fisheries around the world.

Stephen Edison

Stephen Edison

Career Profiles

Energy Transition Advisor

I use science and engineering to find solutions in support of energy transition and lower carbon. 
Boeing 777 Ecodemonstrator aircraft

Sustainable Aerospace Firsts


Learn how Boeing is making aviation more sustainable.

Remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV)

Human Exploration of the Deep Ocean


Learn about how humans explore the deep ocean and what they have learned.

Earth with thermometer

Climate Math


Learn about how to calculate temperature anomalies as a way of understanding how our climate is changing.

The three RADARSAT Constellation Mission spacecraft

7 ways Satellites Help Fight Climate Change


Discover 7 ways satellite Earth observation helps fight climate change.

3D rendering of the offshore oceanographic science vessel

Canada’s Next Generation Oceanographic Science Research Ship


Learn about Canada’s newest Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessel.

Mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective

Let's Talk Mars Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you up to speed on the discussion surrounding Mars