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Earth and Space Science: Rocks and Minerals

Kelsey Privett - Géologue de projet d'exploration, Mine Lac des Iles

Kelsey Privett (Video)

Exploration Project Geologist

Kelsey Privett is an Exploration Project Geologist for Lac des Iles Mine - North American Palladium.
Bryan Wilson - General Manager, North American Palladium

Bryan Wilson (Video)

Career Profiles

General Manager

Bryan Wilson is the General Manager at North American Palladium.
Cameron McLean - Gestionnaire de l’exploration

Cameron McLean (Video)

Exploration Manager

Cameron McLean is an Exploration Manager for North American Palladium.
Cameron McLean | Gestionnaire de l’exploration

Cameron McLean

Career Profiles

Exploration Manager

Cameron McLean is an exploration manager at North American Palladium.
Kelsey Privett | Géologue de projet d’exploration, Lac des Iles Mine

Kelsey Privett

Career Profiles

Exploration Project Geologist

Kelsey Privett is an Exploration Project Geologist for Lac des Iles Mine.
Bronwyn Azar | Géoscientifique spécialiste du précambrien

Bronwyn Azar

Career Profiles

Precambrian Geoscientist

Bryan Wilson | Directeur général, North American Palladium, Lac Des Iles Mine

Bryan Wilson

Career Profiles

General Manager

Bryan Wilson is the general manager at North American Palladium.