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Unit B: Understanding Common Energy Conversion Systems

Adam Tofani in front of a pump-jack

Adam Tofani

Career Profiles

Offshore Completions Engineer

Adam Tofani is an Offshore Completions Engineer for Cenovus Energy.
Leaf and the Sun

Plant Functions


Learn about the important plant functions of photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration

Natalie Swanson | Géologue pétrolière

Natalie Swanson

Petroleum Geologist

Natalie Swanson is a Petroleum Geologist, located in Alberta.
Terry Penney | Directeur de l’installation extracôtière

Terry Penney

Hibernia Offshore Installation Manager

Terry Penney is the Hibernia Offshore Installation Manager for ExxonMobil.
Platinum crystals

Catalytic Converters

STEM Explained

Learn about how catalytic converters make vehicle emissions less harmful.

Water droplets on succulent leaves

How Do Plants Survive in the Desert?

STEM Explained

Plants need to exchange gases and water with their environment as part of photosynthesis. Some plant cells have evolved specifically for this purpose.

Hamilton Street Railway bus in downtown Hamilton, Ontario © Adam E. Moreira [CC BY-SA 3.0], Wikimedia Commons

Fueling Internal Combustion Engines


Learn about the wide variety of fuels used in vehicles.

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Hands-on Activities

How do the green leaves of summer change to vibrant colours in fall? Explore plant pigments in this chromatography activity.

Which materials bounce?

Which materials bounce?

Hands-on Activities

Balls go up and down. But what makes for a good ball? Find out by exploring which materials bounce.

Hamilton, Ontario industrial area with Toronto skyline in the background

What are Greenhouse Gases?


This backgrounder explains what greenhouse gases are and how they contribute to climate change.

Screen captures from embedded Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell videos

What are the Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy?

STEM Explained

These two “point-counterpoint” videos provide arguments for and against using nuclear energy to generate electricity.

Charging a cell phone

What If You Could Charge Your Phone Using Radio Waves?

STEM Explained

Could we use radio waves to charge electrical technologies in the future?

Aerial of Gas well Marcellus Shale Formation in northern West Virginia

What is Fracking?

STEM Explained

The fracking process gets natural gases out of rocks. This process can have effects on freshwater, water quality and even earthquakes!

Thermal images of people and objects

Thermopower and the Body Heat-Powered Flashlight

STEM Explained

Can your body be a source of electricity generation? Maybe, if you understand heat transfer. Explore this concept through a 2013 invention by a Canadian teen.

City at night with transmission lines

Understanding Electricity Supply and Demand


Electricity demand changes constantly. Suppliers need to generate more electrical energy when demand is high, and less when demand is low.