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Unit C: Investigating Matter and Energy in Living Systems

heavy metal band

A Taste of Heavy Metal

STEM Explained

Heavy metal is a term for some toxic chemical elements. They can cause problems like bioaccumulation, but are useful in nuclear medicine and medical imaging.

Test tubes in a laboratory

DNA Extraction


Learn the basics of how DNA can be extracted from cells.

Damage to DNA

Radiation Effects on Cells & DNA


This backgrounder explains the effects of radiation on cells and DNA.

Zachary Emond | Cuisinier

Zachary Emond

Career Profiles


Zachary Emond is a Chef at the Holiday Inn, St. John’s.
Dean Simon | Diététiste agréé, consultant privé

Dean Simon

Career Profiles

Registered Dietitican, Private Consultant

Dean Simon is a registered dietician and private consultant.
Claire Bartman | Analyste de la qualité — Laboratoire de chimie analytique

Claire Bartman

Career Profiles

Food Quality Analyst, Analytical Chemistry

Claire Bartman is a quality analyst at Analytical Chemistry Lab.
Travis Stewart | Enseignant en arts culinaires

Travis Stewart

Culinary Arts Teacher

Ryan Conder | Scientifique principal, STEMCELL Technologies

Ryan Conder

Career Profiles

Senior Scientist

Ryan Conder is a Senior Scientist at STEMCELL Technologies.
Andy Kokaji | Directeur associé de Immunologie, STEMCELL Technologies

Andy Kokaji

Career Profiles

Associate Director of Immunology

Andy Kokaji is an associate director of immunology at STEMCELL Technologies.
Michael Hiatt | Scientifique, STEMCELL Technologies

Michael Hiatt

Career Profiles


Michael Hiatt is a Scientist at STEMCELL Technologies.
Lauren Ostrowski | Doctorante à l’Université de Toronto

Lauren Ostrowski

Career Profiles

Ph.D. Candidate

Lauren Ostrowski is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Toronto.
Ben Sit | Diététiste

Ben Sit

Career Profiles

Registered Dietitian

Ben Sit is a registered dietitian, providing advice about nutrition and physical activity, in Ontario.

Cynthia Goodchild (Video)

Food Management Entrepreneur (Innovation and Entrepreneurship)

Cyntha Goodchild is a Food Management Entrepreneur (Innovation and Entrepreneurship).
Kofi Adasi | Chargé de cours en biologie

Kofi Adasi

Career Profiles

Biology Lecturer

Kofi Adasi is a Biology Lecturer at King's University college.