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Life Systems: Habitats and Communities

How do animals hide?

How do animals hide?

Hands-on Activities

Play a game of hide and seek to discover how animals can hide in plain sight!

Polar bear and two cubs

How do animals stay warm in the winter?

Hands-on Activities

Animals have some unique adaptations to stay warm. Discover what conduction of heat and insulation have to do with staying warm!

 A forest damaged by pine beetles

How Do Introduced Species Affect Ecosystems and the Economy?

STEM Explained

When a species ends up outside of its natural zone, the consequences on other species, ecosystems and human industries can be severe. Climate change and human activities can introduce species into new zones.


Fish: Freshwater

Picture Collections

4 images of some fish such as koi that live in freshwater river and lake environments and in freshwater aquariums and garden ponds

Canaries were once used to signal dangers to miners. - Image © Vito Cangiulli,

How Can Birds Help Monitor the Health of Ecosystems?

STEM Explained

Scientists can observe birds to get useful information about the health of, and changes in, an ecosystem.

Woodpecker on a tree

Do Woodpeckers Get Concussions?

STEM Explained

Pecking puts a lot of force on a woodpecker’s brain. But scientists think woodpecker bodies are adapted to help keep them from being injured during pecking-related collisions.

Toad camouflage matches stone it is on

Animal Adaptations


Students develop and apply collaboration & communication and computational thinking skills to learn the ways in which animals adapt to their environments.

Chameleon blending in its surroundings

Animals: Adaptation

Picture Collections

11 images of some animals such as lizards and Arctic Hares whose appearance has adapted to provide protection in their environments

White Swan

Birds: Aquatic

Picture Collections

12 images of some birds such as seagulls, puffins, ducks and Canada Geese that live on or around freshwater or saltwater habitats

Karine Duffy | Coordonnatrice du programme d’intendance de l’habitat

Karine Duffy

Career Profiles

Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator

Karine Duffy is the Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator for the Canadian Wildlife Service.