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Strand D: Genetics

Amanda Naaum | biologiste moléculaire en chef chez TRU-ID

Amanda Naaum

Career Profiles

Lead Molecular Biologist at TRU-ID

Amanda Naaum is the lead molecular biologist at TRU-ID.
Andrew Bullen | Enseignant de sciences

Andrew Bullen

Career Profiles

Science Teacher

Andrew Bullen is a science teacher at Paul Rowe Jr/Sr. High School.
Kathy Deuchars | Ontario Genomics

Kathy Deuchars

Career Profiles

Senior Manager

Kathy Deuchars is the Senior Manager of Business Development and Research, Ontario Genomics
Marc Fiume | PDG de DNAstack

Marc Fiume

Career Profiles


Marc Fiume is the CEO of DNAstack, a software that manages genomic data.
David Charest | Directeur du développement sectoriel

David Charest

Career Profiles

Director, Sector Development

David Charest is the director of sector development at Genome in British Columbia.
Carolyn Fitzsimmons | Chercheuse scientifique

Carolyn Fitzsimmons

Career Profiles

Research Scientist

Carolyn Fitzsimmons is a research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.