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Strand E: Natural Resource science and Management

Max Salman aux commandes d'un avion.

Max Salman

Career Profiles

PH.D. Student / Affiliate Researcher

I ask questions to things that don’t have answers yet.
Fishing boat catching fish

How will climate change impact fisheries?


Learn about how climate change is impacting fisheries around the world.

Stephen Edison

Stephen Edison

Career Profiles

Energy Transition Advisor

I use science and engineering to find solutions in support of energy transition and lower carbon. 
Bryan Rolph

Bryan Rolph

Sales Manager

I lead a team of technical sales professionals that help deliver on the best technology solutions for our customers.
Image of a tide pool

Diversity of Canada’s Marine Coastal Habitats


Learn about the plants and animals in Canada’s marine coastal habitats, and what you can do to protect them.

Edwin Makkinga

Edwin Makkinga

Career Profiles

Manager, Climate Policy

In my job I consider the risks and opportunities from climate-related public policy and how Enbridge can be part of the solution to the climate crisis.
Xiaoyi Bao

Xiaoyi Bao

Professor and Canada Research Chair

Dr. Xiaoyi Bao is Canada Research Chair in Fibre Optics and Photonics.
Patty Simpson

Patty Simpson (she/her)

Career Profiles

Environmental Coordinator

As the head of the Environment Department at a uranium mine, it is my responsibility to make sure that the mine does not pollute the surrounding environment.
Magali Houde

Magali Houde (she/her)

Career Profiles

Research Scientist

I lead projects that look at the impacts of pollution on aquatic environments.
Fish farm in Norway

Should we farm fish and seafood?


In this case study, students will explore the benefits and concerns about aquaculture.

Dave Challoner plantant des arbres dans le cadre d'un projet communautaire.

Dave Challoner

Project Manager

I guide and manage a diverse team of people as we carry out various projects.
Deux travailleurs et une travailleuse du secteur du pétrole et du gaz

Jacqueline Harris

Social Risk & Investment Advisor

Jacqueline manages partnerships with not for profit organizations for Chevron Canada.
Red soil on the surface of Mars

Soil on Mars


Learn how soil is different on Mars than on Earth, and what that means for growing plants on the red planet.

Peter Grootelaar

Peter Grootelaar

Engineer, Kitimat Operations Superintendent

Fairy Sahay

Fairy Sahay

Civil Engineer (Green Economy Project)

I work to protect, conserve and restore natural resources.