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The Living World

Birds flying near a wind farm

Are wind farms a threat to wildlife?

STEM Explained

Wind power is a growing source of electricity generation. But wind projects often affect local wildlife populations, and researchers are using environmental monitoring techniques to alleviate some of these impacts.

White Swan

Birds: Aquatic

Picture Collections

12 images of some birds such as seagulls, puffins, ducks and Canada Geese that live on or around freshwater or saltwater habitats

heavy metal band

A Taste of Heavy Metal

STEM Explained

Heavy metal is a term for some toxic chemical elements. They can cause problems like bioaccumulation, but are useful in nuclear medicine and medical imaging.

Timea Filer - Urban Forestry Field Technologist

Timea Filer (Video)

Career Profiles

Urban Forestry Field Technologist

Timea Filer is an Urban Forestry Field Technologist, located in Ontario.
Timea Filer | Technicienne de terrain en foresterie urbaine

Timea Filer

Career Profiles

Urban Forestry Field Technician, City of Guelph

Timea Filer is an Urban Forestry Field Technician for the City of Guelph.
Heather Dover | Arboricultrice

Heather Dover

Career Profiles


Heather Dover is an arborist for Davey Tree Expert Company of Canada Ltd.
Andrew Newman | Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman is a mechanical tree harvester in Ontario.
Lacey Rose - County Forester, County of Renfrew

Lacey Rose (Video)

County Forester

Lacey Rose is a County Forester, currently located in Ontario.
Lacey Rose | Experte-forestière, comté de Renfrew

Lacey Rose

Career Profiles

County Forester

Lacey Rose is a County Forester for the County of Renfrew.
Katharine Scotton |  Experte-conseil en environnement, PGL Environmental Consultants

Katharine Scotton

Career Profiles

Environmental Consultant

Katharine Scotton is an Environmental Consultant for PGL Environmental Consultants.
Meredith Ann Epp | Gestionnaire des communications et du marketing

Meredith Ann Epp

Career Profiles

Communications and Marketing Manager

Meredith Ann Epp is the Communications and Marketing Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council Oceania.
Stephanie Good | Responsable de la certification des pêches

Stephanie Good

Career Profiles

Senior Fisheries Certification Manager

Stephanie Good is a Senior Fisheries Certification Manager for Marine Stewardship Council.
Lucy Erickson | Gestionnaire des communications scientifiques pour le Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)

Lucy Erickson

Career Profiles

Science Communications Manager

Lucy Erickson is the Science Communications Manager for the Marine Stewardship Council/MSC.
Karine Duffy | Coordonnatrice du programme d’intendance de l’habitat

Karine Duffy

Career Profiles

Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator

Karine Duffy is the Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator for the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Garrett Ugray - Initial Attack Incident Commander

Garrett Ugray (Video)

Aspiring Entrepreneur

Garrett Ugray is an Aspiring Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.