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Modern Physics

Gentilly-2 nuclear reactor

Cleaning Up Nuclear Waste After Decommissioning

STEM Explained

When a nuclear reactor is no longer in use, the radioactivity in its materials remains. That’s why it’s important to safely deal with the radioactive waste those plants leave behind.

Cartoon aircraft in flight

Cosmic Radiation and Aviation


Learn how people came to understand the source of cosmic radiation, as well as how this radiation impacts those who work in and travel on airplanes.

Hand with screwdriver “repairing” DNA

DNA Damage and Repair


This backgrounder explains the different ways that cells repair damage to DNA.

Damage to DNA

Radiation Effects on Cells & DNA


This backgrounder explains the effects of radiation on cells and DNA.

Eruption on the surface of the Sun

What are Cosmic Rays?


This backgrounder has information about both cosmic & neutron radiation.

Rohan Nuttall | Étudiant, Université de la Colombie-Britannique

Rohan Nuttall

Career Profiles


Rohan Nuttal is a Student at the University of British Columbia.