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Headshot of David Saint-Jacques

Let's Talk Space Rocks Resources


Discover a set of resources to introduce you to the world of space rocks

David Saint-Jacques

Let’s Talk Space Rocks 


Student, Grades: 9-12

Join CSA astronaut David Saint-Jacques for the latest in our Visionary Symposium series, that looks at the link between geology on Earth and in space, and how these learnings contribute to future space exploration.

Lunar lander floating above the moon, with the Earth in the background

Let's Talk Space Exploration Resources


Discover a set of resources to develop background knowledge on the topic of space exploration.

Yuri Gagarin Capsule and space suit

Human Spaceflight: The First 50 Years


A history of the first 50 years of human space flight.

Mosaic of the Valles Marineris hemisphere of Mars projected into point perspective

Let's Talk Mars Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you up to speed on the discussion surrounding Mars

The face of the planet Mars (NASA)

Destination Mars


Discover how space agencies have explored the Red Planet in the past and present and learn about the future of human spaceflight to the red planet.

Astronauts from the Apollo Mission landing on the moon.

Let's Talk Lunar Resources


Discover some background information on how we'll learn to live and work on the Moon - and beyond!

Doctor pointing to a knee x-ray

Why a Trip to Outer Space Could Be Bad for Your Bones

STEM Explained

Astronauts can experience bone loss in space. To understand why, you need to know a bit about how bones are formed and maintained in your body.

The planet Mars

What is your weight on another planet?

Hands-on Activities

Do you weigh the same on Jupiter as you do on Earth? Learn to calculate your weight on a different planet.

Canadian pilot

From Sky to Space

STEM Explained

Canadian astronauts Jeremy Hansen and David Saint-Jacques explain how learning to fly an aircraft prepared them for the challenges of living in space.

Robert Thirsk | Ancien astronaute de l’Agence spatiale canadienne

Robert Thirsk

Career Profiles

Former CSA Astronaut

Robert Thirsk is a Former CSA Astronaut.