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Unit E: Space Exploration

MOXIE unit

Carbon Dioxide and Space Missions


Learn about how people control carbon dioxide levels in spacecraft such as the ISS.

Heat pipe in a laptop

Heat and Space Missions


Learn about how people control heat in spacecraft such as the ISS and Orion.

Condensation on the window of the Apollo 12 Lunar Module, November 1969

Humidity and Space Missions


Learn about how people control humidity on board the ISS.

Headshot of David Saint-Jacques

Let's Talk Space Rocks Resources


Discover a set of resources to introduce you to the world of space rocks

protrait de Julie Hlavacek-Larrond

Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo (she/her)

Career Profiles

Astrophysicist and Associate professor

I study black holes, which I think are the most fascinating objects in the Universe!
Portrait de Evaline Warmels

Evaline Warmels

Career Profiles

Mechatronic Engineer

I design, build, and test devices that use electricity to do something that a human couldn't do on their own.
Daedulus crater on the Moon

Impact Craters


Learn about how craters are formed and about some of Canada's impact craters.

SIlhouette of a figure examining stars with a telescope

How could you build a refracting telescope using water as the lenses?

Hands-on Activities

Build your own refracting telescope using glasses of water as the lenses.

Katie Mack headshot

Katie Mack (she/her)

Career Profiles

Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication

I study of the fundamental physics of the universe.
Telescope under construction

Seeing the Universe with the James Webb Telescope


Learn about the James Webb telescope and Canada’s role in the mission.

Evaline Warmels with lunar rover in background.

Evaline Warmels (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechatronical Engineer

As an electrical engineer at Canadensys, I help build robots (lunar landers) that will explore the surface of the moon.
Lunar lander floating above the moon, with the Earth in the background

Let's Talk Space Exploration Resources


Discover a set of resources to develop background knowledge on the topic of space exploration.

portrait de Anastasiia Prysyazhnyuk

Anastasiia Prysyazhnyuk

Career Profiles

Science and Innovation Lead, Health Beyond Initiative

I explore ways in which science and technology can provide solutions to healthcare problems in space and on Earth.
Cameron Dickenson

Cameron Dickinson

Career Profiles

Senior Engineer, Space Exploration

I work on sensors and camera technology for use on planetary exploration missions.
Katie Harris essayant une combinaison spatiale de simulation au Centre européen des astronautes.

Katie Harris (she/her)

Career Profiles

Medical Student/Prospective Aerospace Medicine Specialist

I am working towards a career as an aerospace medicine specialist - a doctor who works with astronauts and keeps them healthy for long missions!