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Unit A: Living Systems Respond to Their Environment

portrait de Dr. Paula Littlejohn

Dr. Paula Littlejohn (she/her)

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

I research problems that affect peoples’ health, specifically in children.
Daria Iskakova headshot

Daria Iskakova (she/her)

Career Profiles

Senior Laboratory Technologist

I work in a genomics lab to identify plants and animals using DNA samples.
Portrait de Nicole Redvers

Nicole Redvers (she/her)

Career Profiles

Associate Professor and Director of Planetary Health

I carry out Indigenous health research and support Indigenous communities and organizations in their health research needs.
Ayo Bolaji headshot with blue background

Ayo Bolaji

Career Profiles

Computational Biologist

I assist in the monitoring of microorganisms, bacteria and viruses that may have an effect on our health.
Meghana Munipalle

Meghana Munipalle (she/her)

Career Profiles

Graduate Student, Biomedical Engineering

I am a graduate student working towards my PhD in biological and biomedical engineering.
Harvesting plants

Using Plants to Make Medicines


Learn how plants can be used to make vaccines.

Twenty-sided die

How Likely Is It?


Learn about probability, a branch of mathematics that helps us predict if something might happen.

portrait de Rhiannon Cooper

Rhiannon Cooper (she/her)

Career Profiles


I monitor the patterns and trends of infectious diseases across the province.
Illustration of an empty box with a question mark

Let's Talk Misinformation: Resources


Discover a set of resources to get you thinking about misinformation and its spread in advance of the symposium Let's Talk Misinformation.

Le Dr Harpreet Kochhar devant un ordinateur dans son bureau.

Dr. Harpreet Kochhar

Career Profiles

President, Public Health Agency of Canada

I am the head of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
Yetong Dong headshot wearing lab coat

Yetong Dong

Career Profiles

Research Assistant/Graduate Student

I am studying to become a scientific researcher.
Karen Fleming

Karen Fleming (she/her)

Career Profiles

Simulation Educator

I help create education and training experiences that contribute to safer environments for patients.
Portrait de Dr. Marcia Anderson

Marcia Anderson (she/her)

Career Profiles

Physician and Vice-Dean Indigenous Health, Social Justice and Anti-Racism

I am a medical doctor and I work to help create culturally safe healthcare that is free of racism.
Portrait de Isha Berry

Isha Berry

Career Profiles


I look for patterns in disease outbreaks and health outcomes in populations across the world.
Portrait de Jasmin Chahal

Jasmin Chahal

Career Profiles

Assistant Professor

I teach in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at McGill University.