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Earth’s layers

Structure of the Earth


Learn about the layers of the Earth and discover how people explore the Earth’s crust.

Space Shuttle Columbia launching

Careers In The Space Sector


Illustration of an astronaut standing on a grey moon with a Canadian flag, with space and stars in the background

Canada Goes to the Moon!


Learn about Canada’s new role in space exploration, what we plan to achieve on and around the Moon.

Gwen Healey Akearok

Indigenous Career Stories


Students explore a variety of STEM-related careers from the perspective of Indigenous professionals.

Researcher with automation equipment

Helping Patients through Drug Discovery

STEM Explained

Learn how researchers from Amgen are developing new drugs for cancer.

Testing of the Boeing Starliner spacesuit

Testing Spacesuit Material

STEM Explained

Learn about a new material for spacesuits and the engineer who designed it.