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A. Computational Thinking and Making Connections

Brigitte Potvin | Directrice de la recherche et ingénieure

Brigitte Potvin

Career Profiles

Research Manager & Engineer

Brigitte Potvin is a research manager and engineer for the injury prevention and mobility laboratory of Simon Fraser University.
Jason Dunkel | Analyste principal, Google

Jason Dunkel

Career Profiles

Analytical Lead

Jason Dunkel is an analytical lead at Google in Ontario.
Almond Au | Ingénieur client chez Google

Almond Au

Career Profiles

Customer Engineer

Almond Au is a customer engineer who solves complex problems with Google.
Eric Addison | Ingénieur en logiciels, Google

Eric Addison

Career Profiles

Software Engineer

Eric Addison is a software engineer at Google in Washington, USA.
Amelia Antrim | Ingénieure logiciel pour Google

Amelia Antrim

Career Profiles

Software Engineering

Amelia Antrim is a software engineer at Google, with a focus on system design and production process.
Ronald Boodram | Ingénieur informatique

Ronald Boodram

Career Profiles

Computer Engineer

Ronald Boodram is a Computer Engineer at Google in Ontario.
Ethan Ma | Ingénieur en vision artificielle

Ethan Ma

Career Profiles

Machine Vision Engineer

Ethan Ma is a machine vision engineer for Taymer International.
Christopher Town |Christopher Towns | Conseiller-cadre en stratégie chez SAP

Christopher Towns

Career Profiles

Executive Strategy Advisor

Christopher Towns is an executive strategy advisor at SAP.
Elie Harfouche | Software Engineering Student and Game Developer

Elie Harfouche

Career Profiles

Software Engineering Student and Game Developer

Ellie Harfouche is a software engineering student and game developer.
Amel Badaoui | Experte en infonuagique

Amel Badaoui

Career Profiles

Cloud Expert

Amel Badoui is a cloud expert (Cloud IT Technology) at SAP Hybris.
Arnaud Lina | Directeur, recherche et innovation

Arnaud Lina

Career Profiles

Director, Research and Innovation

Arnaud Lina is a Director of Research and Innovation at Matrox.
Sylvain Laporte

Sylvain Laporte

Career Profiles

President (2015 - 2020)

Sylvain Laporte is the President at the Canadian Space Agency.
Rohan Nuttall | Étudiant, Université de la Colombie-Britannique

Rohan Nuttall

Career Profiles


Rohan Nuttal is a Student at the University of British Columbia.
Leigha Mitchell |  Ingénieure en logiciels chez Hubba

Leigha Mitchell

Career Profiles

Software Engineer

Leigha Mitchell is a Software Engineer at Hubba in Ontario.
Kelly Shkuratoff | Gestionnaire principale, Salesforce

Kelly Shkuratoff

Career Profiles

Senior Manager

Kelly Shkuratoff is the Senior Manager at Salesforce in British Columbia.