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IS 1.4: Collaborating with others effectively can help us to share meaningful explorations in impactful ways.

Students viewing a video


Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students obtain and summarize information presented in different information transmission types (text, images, audio).

A student passing a paper

My Questions Round Robin

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students develop and refine meaningful questions about content.

Group Talk

Group Talk

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students share and listen to the ideas and questions of others

Students watching and listening to video

Deep Viewing

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps students to gather and summarize information from a video.

Bee exiting a bee house

Design & Build a Bee House


Students will learn about the human impacts on bee populations as they design, test, build and observe a structure for solitary bees.

Collaborative learning

Collaborative Learning

Teaching STEM

Collaborative learning is an approach to learning and teaching in which a group of students work together to achieve a common goal (e.g., to solve a problem, meet a challenge, answer a question, share learning). Collaborative learning requires a learning environment that is fluid and inclusive, and that supports independence and interdependence of students with each other and with the educator.


Consensus Mat

Teaching STEM

This strategy helps a group of students share and discuss ideas in order to produce a collective, agreed-upon response.