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Julie Belanger | Directrice de la recherche , RAND Europe

Julie Belanger

Career Profiles

Research Leader

Julie Belanger is the Research Leader for RAND Europe.
Andres Onu | Gestionnaire de projet

Andres Onu

Career Profiles

Project Manager

Andres Onu is a project manager at Laporte Engineering Incorporated.
Hilary Foulkes | Geologist/Chair | TPH Canada

Hilary Foulkes

Career Profiles


Hilary Foulkes is a Geologist/Chair for TPH Canada in Alberta.
Anais Kassardjian | Webmestre indépendante

Anais Kassardjian

Career Profiles

Freelance Webmaster

Anais Kassardjian is a freelance webmaster (website updating/publishing) with CloudRaker.
Karine Duffy | Coordonnatrice du programme d’intendance de l’habitat

Karine Duffy

Career Profiles

Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator

Karine Duffy is the Habitat Stewardship Program Coordinator for the Canadian Wildlife Service.
Jenny Fortier - Gestionnaire de serres

Jenny Fortier (Video)

Environmental Entrepreneur

Jenny Fortier is an Environmental Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.
Isabel Deslauriers | Manager, Let’s Talk Science Outreach

Isabel Deslauriers

Career Profiles


Isabel Deslauriers is a manager for Let's Talk Science Outreach.
Jenny Fortier | Gestionnaire de serre

Jenny Fortier

Career Profiles

Initiatives Officer and Greenhouse Operator

Jenny Fortier is the initiatives officer for FedNor (Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario).
Erin Secord | Restauratrice

Erin Secord

Career Profiles


Erin Secord is a conservator for the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation.
Erik Blachford | Investisseur en capital-risque

Erik Blachford

Career Profiles

Venture Capital Investor

Erik Blachford is a venture capital investor in California, USA.
Sylvie Cloutier | Chercheuse scientifique – généticienne moléculaire

Sylvie Cloutier

Research Scientist

Sylvie Cloutier is a Research Scientist with a focus in Molecular geneticist for Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada.