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Adrian Kuchtaruk

Adrian Kuchtaruk
Let’s Talk Science CurioCity and Outreach Volunteer at Queen’s University

One of Adrian’s favourite volunteering events is the Let’s Talk Science Challenge. This fun enrichment event happens across the country every spring. Learn more about the Let's Talk Science Challenge.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: Since December 2015

Area of study: Biology

Inspirational Moment: One of the most inspiring moments I have had during my time with Let’s Talk Science occurred during the Let’s Talk Science Challenge hosted at Queen’s University last spring. Our first event was the team quiz challenge and I was amazed by the groups of students who came into the auditorium in their team costumes chanting their team cheers. The amount of excitement and collaboration between the teams as they worked through each question was such an inspiration to see. The ages of the youth varied from Grade 6-8 and it inspired me to see the amount of interest these students had for the STEM topics they were learning in school and being able to take what they have learned and apply it in the competition. I hope to continue working with students to develop their passion for STEM.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: The Let’s Talk Science Challenge

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I volunteer with Let’s Talk Science to help provide an interactive and enjoyable atmosphere for students of all ages to learn more about STEM subjects. I strive to develop students’ interest in these subjects and encourage them to explore their curiosity and creative sides as they learn more about STEM subjects. By providing a fun learning atmosphere, we can help students gain interest in these areas of study and allow them to pursue their dreams as the future scientists and engineers of this world.

Fun fact: I’ve been to Japan before.