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Apurva Bhardwaj

Apurva Bhardwaj
Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at the University of Winnipeg

Apurva’s passion is “to assist, teach and educate one and all” and she is accomplishing that through volunteering in Winnipeg, MB.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: Since October 2017

Area of study: Masters in Biosciences, Technology & Public Policy/Pursuing research in the field of protein signaling with an overreaching goal to come up with better diagnosis and prognosis of Cancer (head and neck cancer)/Coordinator at N.E.E.D.s Center

Inspirational Moment: Every time I go for an activity, whether it is with the little ones or with teenagers, every single time I am inspired to go a step farther! There have been times at sessions related to biology where students ask me if they could one day be working with cancer cell lines or become doctors too and that’s what motivates me to take their zeal to the next level! If I could be that one reason to help boost someone’s zeal to learn and make it big someday, I believe it is the best I can have with me for the times to come! All the outreach programs that I have been a part of have been so amazing and helped me bring out the BEST in me!

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: Hands-On Science at N.E.E.Ds Center (Newcomers Employment And Education Development Services). It is so inspiring to see these Grade 8-12 students ask you all the possible questions under the sun. It is fun to add another perspective to their vision for science and research and to expand their horizon of knowledge. I usually pick “hands-on activities” for them wherein they see some concrete results by the end of the session.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I was probably 10 when I first visited an orphanage with my mom and dad back home. That was the first time I was asked to share my books with kids I did not even know. As a child, that was when I learned what “sharing is caring” means! A bundle of colouring books brightened and elated faces and twinkled eyes. Ever since that day, there was no looking back. Fortunately Let’s Talk Science served as a platform to go on with my passion “to assist, teach and educate one and all” in a new country. Slow gradual steps, today has bought me as far as five months old in this country, and Let’s Talk Science provides me with the impetus to do more and more!

Fun fact: As a kid, I grew up reading books and singing songs… I really wish to do the same in one of the activity sessions too!