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Georgia McLay

Georgia McLay
Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus

Georgia has embraced the opportunity to do virtual experiments with students this year, such as Building Paper Bridges!

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: I started volunteering with Let’s Talk Science in the Fall of 2020.

Area of study: I am an undergraduate studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Inspirational Moment: It always makes my day when students say that a science experiment they did was "cool" or that they want to be a scientist of some sort in the future! That makes me feel as though I have made a positive impact on their learning.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: They all have been great, but I would have to say Building Paper Bridges was my favourite experiment to instruct so far because it was wonderful to see how creative every students’ paper bridge was.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science?: I thought volunteering with Let's Talk Science would be a great way to help get youth excited about science and give them something different to look forward to doing in class! For me, science experiments have been a favourite part of my schooling, but with no visitors being allowed physically into classrooms this year because of the pandemic, I was really thrilled to hear Let's Talk Science was doing virtual experiments.

Fun fact: There are over 350 000 species of Beetles (Order Coleoptera) on earth, which is truly crazy to think about.