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Graeme Currie

Graeme Currie sitting on swing wearing Let's Talk Science T-shirt.
Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at the University of Waterloo

“It was awesome seeing ideas and input from kids that are interested in science and those who might not even know they are yet!”

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: 5 Months

Area of study: Biology Undergraduate

Inspirational Moment: I loved the creative ideas that the students would constantly be coming up with. All the theories about who's guilty in the Crime Lab workshop were a blast! It was awesome seeing ideas and input from kids that are interested in science and those who might not even know they are yet!

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: I love building Mars landers during the Exploration Mars workshop.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I love the opportunity to work with kids who may not consider themselves to be science enthusiasts, and helping them discover all the fun that science can be in a hands-on environment.

Fun fact: Mars’ moon Phobos is small enough that if you were stand on the surface, you could throw a baseball straight up hard enough, that it would never come back down!