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Hannah Bourget

Hannah Bourget
Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at University of British Columbia (Okanagan)

Hannah is passionate about all fields of science but has taken a particular interest in UBCO’s marine biology outreach because the live marine animals that come along for the workshop are always a big hit with the kids!

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: Since November 2022

Area of study: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Inspirational Moment: With the marine biology outreach, we bring marine animals to classrooms and the kids are allowed to come up to touch them. Almost every time, there is someone who is really scared and will absolutely not touch the animals. That being said – again, almost every time, by the end they end up getting excited and are really eager to get a chance to touch the animals and ask questions! It’s really inspiring to see a child’s interest for marine life grow right in front of your eyes. I look forward every week to seeing this happen again and again!

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: My favourite LTS activity is the Coral Reefs workshop through UBCOs marine biology outreach. In this activity we get to teach Grade 7 kids about coral reefs and how climate change is impacting them. I really enjoy teaching this specific workshop because the kids become really engaged and it’s interesting to teach them about something they have never had the chance to learn about before. In this outreach, we also bring live marine animals for the kids to see. At this age, they are really interested in the animals and ask a lot of smart questions which is great to see!

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? Coming from Alberta, I was never given the opportunity to learn about any marine life and I never realized the importance and the beauty of marine ecosystems. Volunteering with the marine biology outreach through Let’s Talk Science gives me the chance to educate children who may be like I was, and who may have never seen or even heard of some of the animals they get to learn about. I am also passionate about all fields of science, so this outreach gives me the opportunity to foster a love for science in a younger generation.

Fun fact: The sea cucumbers will spit their guts out when they get stressed. Don’t worry though, it’s never happened during any outreach events!