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Jamie Magrill

Jamie Magrill
Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at University of British Columbia

Jamie has taken his volunteering with Let’s Talk Science a step further by helping train new volunteers and lead rural trips! Learn how you can volunteer and become a leader at Let’s Talk Science.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: Since January 2017

Area of study: Honors Biology (B.Sc)

Inspirational Moment: Recently I helped organize Let’s Talk Science at UBC’s volunteer training symposium, and I co-led a workshop on building engaging lessons. Seeing the undergraduate and grad students in the audience learning together and designing lesson plans really motivated me to continue with science education and outreach in order to reach the greatest number of students possible!

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: I love all my opportunities with Let’s Talk Science, but my favourite might be leading Rural Trips. I get to know the volunteers, meet new students and science enthusiasts from all over the province, and bring science education to kids who might not have ever seen a scientist in the flesh before!

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I believe that supporting Let’s Talk Science’s mission of bringing engaging science education to students, particularly those in underserved areas, is essential in helping develop the next generation of Canadian innovators, scientists and healthcare professionals.

Fun fact: I am an avid rock climber, both indoors and outdoors. My love of the outdoors has definitely made its way into my curriculum, as I try to take my students outside to conduct experiments as much as possible!