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Krysta Levac

Krysta Levac
Let’s Talk Science Online Volunteer in London, ON

Krysta is a long-time volunteer who is inspired by the creativity of youth and loves to help them sustain their curiosity about the world.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: 13 years

Area of study: PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry; former Research Associate in Stem Cell Biology labs; current volunteer

Inspirational Moment: In 2022, I reviewed video submissions for the Design and Build Challenge component of the Let’s Talk Science Challenge. I was inspired by the creativity and effort of so many students. It always makes me feel hopeful for the future when I see bright, curious and hard-working youth solving problems with science! I had so much fun reviewing videos that I’m doing it again this year.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: My current favourite activity is writing Educational Resource articles for the Let’s Talk Science website. I love doing a deep research dive into a topic, then working (sometimes wrestling!) with words to communicate ideas in an interesting and accessible way.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? Our world is endlessly interesting and I think science is the best tool we have for understanding it. By volunteering with Let’s Talk Science, I know I’m helping young people sustain their curiosity about the world. I’m one small part of the team of Let’s Talk Science volunteers who share enthusiasm, knowledge, skills, and a love of science with youth. That feels powerful and important.

Fun fact: I recently took a fantastically fun online class called “Seas the Day: Life Lessons from Cephalopods”. Squids, octopuses, and cuttlefish have three hearts and blue blood (blue, because their oxygen-carrying protein contains copper instead of iron). They also have donut-shaped brains…and the esophagus passes through the brains’ donut hole!