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Leena AlShenaiber

Leena AlShenaiber
Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at McMaster University

Not only does Leena do outreach activities through Let’s Talk Science, she also supports the program’s online presence to help spread the word about the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: Since December 2015

Area of study: Level II Integrated Science – Biology concentration (H.B.Sc)

Inspirational Moment: I run the social media platforms for Let’s Talk Science at McMaster, so seeing the incredible responses from individuals of all demographics is quite amazing and inspirational as it shows the widespread passion for science.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: I love volunteering at McMaster Children’s Hospital with Let’s Talk Science’s Community Outreach Program.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? To me, being exposed to and understanding different career paths and what they entail at a young age is very important. The STEM content Let’s Talk Science provides allows for a unique opportunity to achieve just that while allowing me to pursue my passion for science and teaching.

Fun fact: I also run the Let’s Talk Science Outreach website and the Let’s Talk Science McMaster website, and I absolutely love it!