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Maude Beaulieu

Maude Beaulieu
Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer in Montreal, QC

Maude enjoys volunteering with teens to show them the variety of options available in STEM.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: 5 year

Position: Regional Oncology Account Manager at Amgen

Inspirational Moment: When I saw teenagers working in teams, brainstorming and trying to create the structure during the Let’s talk Science Challenge at McGill University during spring 2017 (in the photo).

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: Let’s Talk Science Challenge at McGill University (Spring 2017), Canada 2067 Summit and Journée Défis Science UQAM 2019.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? It is important to share my passion for sciences with teenagers because I also have 3 teenagers at home. I know how important it is to initiate youth to all different types of sciences (math, chemistry, physics, astronomy, biology, physiology, anatomy, microbiology, ecology, engineer, robotic…) to make sciences more attractive and concrete to them, with daily life examples.

Fun fact: During our talk at the Canada2067 Youth Summit, our slides were on the speaker’s screen but not our text so we improvised our speech a little.