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Mylene Gagnon

Mylene Gagnon
Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at the Université du Québec in Chicoutimi

Mylene greatly enjoyed the opportunity to present to students at her former high school, where Let’s Talk Science activities had not been offered before!

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: About the past six months

Area of study: Bachelor’s degree in Biology

Inspirational Moment: Getting the opportunity to present a segment on genetics at my old high school. I offered to include some Let’s Talk Science activities, something that had never been offered there in the past. I was able to share knowledge that they didn’t have access to at the school and that hopefully captured their interest.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: The video conferences with schools, especially in this time of distance learning. These meetings allow young people to discover new things and stay motivated with small, meaningful activities.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science?: To give young people the opportunity that I would have liked to have had to learn about non-traditional science-related careers. Volunteering also allows me to expand my horizons and learn new things like giving simple and clear explanations and the various ways people learn.

Fun fact: I only decided on my area of study at the age of 21 because I was interested in absolutely every job and kept changing my mind every week. When it came time to apply, I submitted four applications to different programs so that I would have more time to decide.