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Olivia Louf

Olivia Louf
Let’s Talk Science Donor Industry-Based Volunteer with SAP Canada Inc.

Olivia is a Delivery Manager with SAP Canada Inc. She translates career profiles and CurioCity articles for Let’s Talk Science!

Position: Delivery Manager, SAP Canada Inc.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: 4 years

Area of study: Argonomy

Inspirational Moment: When translating career profiles, you discover some very inspirational people.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: Since I mainly translate career profiles, articles and review the website, I do not have a specific favourite activity. However, I really enjoy how diverse and interesting the translations are!

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I like the way Let’s Talk Science promotes and approaches the sciences. It is not just about very scientific terms but about real-life facts and real jobs.

Fun fact: After translating an article on how to ride a bike faster, I went on vacation and rented a bike with my husband. I tried the techniques to ride it faster than him and … almost there!