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Shelby Law

Shelby Law
Let’s Talk Science Volunteer at the University of Guelph

“Seeing the way the mentees in the 2021 SciComm Camp supported and encouraged each other reminded me how important community and belonging is in learning.”

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: Since October 2020

Area of study: Research Assistant, recently completed an MSc in Integrative Biology

Inspirational Moment: Seeing the way the mentees in the 2021 SciComm Camp supported and encouraged each other reminded me how important community and belonging is in learning.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: Summer Mentorship Program

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I volunteer with Let’s Talk Science to connect with youth through topics that excite me in hopes that they get excited too.

Fun fact: I tapped the sugar maple tree outside my house for the first time this year!