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Thomas McIntyre

Thomas McIntyre
Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at University of Alberta

Thomas has experienced the joy of seeing students succeed in science. You can join as a volunteer too! Visit our Volunteers page to see how to get involved.

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: One year

Position: MRI Research Scientist, University of Alberta

Inspirational Moment: There are simply too many to list. One which stands out in my mind comes from volunteering on a Métis Reserve. The community was so welcoming and the kids were happy to have an Outreach experience. The [students] laughed trying to find bugs, and loved trying to grow plants. I was happy watching them learn.

Another time was with Frontier College, where volunteering at their Summer Camp as a Science Counselor, I helped the kids learn about science in the real world. They especially loved the Elephants’ Toothpaste – GAK was also a favorite! Kids love to learn, and our hands-on Science really lets that shine!

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: Electricity and Magnetism, with Elephants’ Toothpaste second and Alka Seltzer™ Rockets third.

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I love seeing the joy in children’s eyes when they start doing science, and it works out. The laughter and excitement are bonuses too!

Fun fact: My favorite animals are the humpback whale, turtles and cats. My favorite color is red.