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Zaid Al-Dabbagh

Zaid Al-Dabbagh
Let’s Talk Science Outreach Volunteer at the University of Waterloo

Although Zaid has only been volunteering with Let’s Talk Science in Waterloo for a short time, he is already connecting with new people and inspiring them with science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Time volunteering with Let’s Talk Science: 8 months

Area of study: Honours Science - 4th Year

Inspirational Moment: It's very hard to choose one. While every visit brings a unique and amazing experience, I find the reaction we receive from kids to be the most rewarding. While my role in most of these activities is to be a mentor for younger students, I must admit that I have learned a great deal and have grown both as a person and a potential educator. I was amazed at how attentive, eager, well engaged, and most importantly, how creative many of those kids are. I have learned how to effectively communicate and deliver information of educational value to students of any age. My most inspirational and fulfilling moments come together while watching kids work collaboratively and apply what I teach them with great enthusiasm during any of the hands-on activities. I am always astonished with the end product and attentive questions they ask along the way. Needless to say, leaving a school as kids high-five and call you "The Scientist" after experiencing the difference you made in their classroom is one of the most rewarding and inspirational feelings to an undergraduate science student.

Favourite Let’s Talk Science volunteering activity: Crime Labs!

Why do you volunteer with Let’s Talk Science? I believe the best use of my free time is helping to educate the youth in my community as well as sharing my passion for science and showing them how fun it could be along the way. Let's Talk Science has also helped me feel more connected and part of a community in which I’ve lived in for over six years. Other than getting the chance to visit many of the schools and libraries both in the region and rural areas surrounding it, I met and networked with various people in my community including parents, teachers, and other volunteers in my own university. Let's Talk Science has been a very rewarding and a very important experience in my undergrad, and I am looking forward to staying involved the best way I can.

‘Fun fact’: Tardigrades are the oldest living animal. They can live anywhere, including space!