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Hands-on Activities

Geologists with seismograph

How can you build your own seismograph?

Hands-on Activities

Build your own seismograph using common household materials.

Bee on flower

Can you artificially pollinate a flower?

Hands-on Activities

Design and build an artificial pollinator.

Car-shaped lake in a vast green forest

Can you design a sustainable vehicle?

Hands-on Activities

Design a transportation vehicle which can be made or powered sustainably.

Lenny and Lexie

Lexie’s Holiday Wish List

Hands-on Activities

Try this fun board game that develops your unplugged coding skills.

Astronaut cartoon

Can you program Dot to get back to Earth?

Hands-on Activities

Using Scratch, create a program that will get Dot back to Earth.

Colourful 3D shapes

Can you debug these 3D shapes?

Hands-on Activities

Using cubes, build a 3D shape based off of pictures taken from different perspectives.

Graph paper with pencil crayons

Can you code a program with graph paper?

Hands-on Activities

Create a code to travel from the start square to the end square of a graph paper or draw a picture.

Drop spindle with wool

Recycling Yarn Part 2: Spinning

Hands-on Activities

This is the second part of a two-part activity on recycling yarn.

Space lander

How can we land a model space probe?

Hands-on Activities

Design and build a model space probe.

 Old electromagnet

How can I build an electromagnet that moves paperclips?

Hands-on Activities

Design and build an electromagnet which can carry paperclips over a distance of one metre.

Hut on a tiny island

How can we build a structure that protects toy people from wind?

Hands-on Activities

How could you design and build a structure that protects toy people from the wind?

Gordie Howe International Bridge: Fluor Project Between Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario

Build a Paper Bridge

Hands-on Activities

Build and test a bridge made out of nothing but paper!

https://aWhy are peas and corn classed as starches on food guides?

Why are peas and corn classed as starches on food guides?

Hands-on Activities

Learn how test foods for starch.

Why can we see shadows at night?

Why can we see shadows at night?

Hands-on Activities

Take a walk after dark to find shadows.

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Why do leaves change colour in the fall?

Hands-on Activities

How do the green leaves of summer change to vibrant colours in fall? Explore plant pigments in this chromatography activity.