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A message from Dr. Mona Nemer, Canada's Chief Science Advisor, on the importance of science literacy now and in the future for Canadian youth.

What’s New?
Visitors to our website will notice that we have worked to enhance our digital offerings in order to support learning through STEM including:

  • professional learning opportunities (online) and new opportunities for teachers to engage with students in an online learning environment;
  • a new STEM at Home section with activities for caregivers, families and youth; and
  • career exploration contests in which students can earn prizes while they learn about careers.

In the face of COVID-19, Let’s Talk Science adapted and responded quickly to new realities. Read more about Let's Talk Science: Innovating through Disruption.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information on COVID-19 and what you can do to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic, we recommend the Health Canada and World Health Organization websites. We have also put together a collection of resources to help educators, caregivers and youth learn more about viruses and how humans combat them. 

Our goal is to provide useful, relevant materials for you and your kids/students to engage in learning. By answering a few quick questions, you will help us create a better experience for you!

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