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BYO Career Development Timeline

BYO Career Development Timeline


Students will come to see themselves as people who have skills and knowledge that are valuable to entering the world of work.
Students will recognize that skills and abilities are developed in both formal and informal settings.

Your Personality and the Workplace

Your Personality and the Workplace


Students recognize the importance of the connection between life choices and their personal characteristics. Students will make connections between who they are now, the people they wish to become (their future selves), and their connections with work.

What skills do I need for the workplace?

What Skills do I Need for the Workplace?


Students will deepen their understanding of the concept of employability skills. Students will develop an awareness of opportunities available for those who have well-developed employability skills.

The Skills Employers Look For

The Skills Employers Look For


Students will identify the skills that employers look for in potential employees.
Students will recognize that they have skills and abilities that align with employer needs.
Students will make personal connection between their interests and current skills with the person in the career profile.

Introducing Career Options

Introducing Career Options


Students will be introduced to career development and begin thinking about different career options.

Introduction to Career Development

Introduction to Career Development


Students are introduced to career development as a lifelong process as they visualize who, what and where they want to be when they graduate.

Learning from the Experiences of Others

Learning from the Experience of Others


Students will recognize the benefit of seeking advice from those experienced in specific career areas that interest them.

What are your Employability Skills?

What are Your Employability Skills?


Students will identify employability skills in which they are strong and those that need work, create an Employability Skills Profile and develop plans to improve their employability skills.

What makes soil hard and compacted?

What makes soil hard and compacted?

Hands-on Activities

Explore how walking on soil changes how water soaks into the ground and why that matters to gardeners and farmers.

How much power is generated when climbing a set of stairs?

How much power is generated when climbing a set of stairs?

Hands-on Activities

Put on your running shoes and sharpen your pencil! Investigate the mathematical connection between work and power in this hands-on activity.

DNA "unzipping"

How can I obtain a sample of DNA?

Hands-on Activities

Be a biochemist! Learn how to extract DNA from an onion and find out what DNA looks like.

How can I get a quarter through a dime sized hole?

How can I get a quarter through a dime sized hole?

Hands-on Activities

Can you think like an engineer? Try to solve a tricky size and shape problem in this activity.

Planet and asteroid orbits around the Sun

Orbital Mechanics


This backgrounder helps explain the laws of Orbital Mechanics, including Newton’s Laws.

Opening can of pop

The Chemistry of Pop

STEM Explained

There’s a lot of cool chemistry in a can of pop! Learn how solubility, chemical equilibrium, acids & bases and gas laws work in some of your favourite drinks.