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Can we make butter?

Can we make butter?

Hands-on Activities

Do you like butter? Find out how easy it is to make!

T cells and cancer cells - Image © Meletios Verras,

Can Your Own Cells Cure Cancer?

STEM Explained

When a person has cancer, CAR-T Therapy uses their own cells to destroy the cancer cells in their body.

Image © TLFurrer,

Are Microbes Your Friend or Foe?

STEM Explained

Microbes are everywhere, even in your digestive tract. Some of these microbes are helpful, and some aren’t.

heavy metal band

A Taste of Heavy Metal

STEM Explained

Heavy metal is a term for some toxic chemical elements. They can cause problems like bioaccumulation, but are useful in nuclear medicine and medical imaging.

Damage to DNA

Radiation Effects on Cells & DNA


This backgrounder explains the effects of radiation on cells and DNA.

Michelle Irvine | Coordonnatrice du marketing

Michelle Irvine

Career Profiles

Marketing Coordinator

Michelle Irvine is the Marketing Coordinator for Amgen.
Jeffrey Cowen - Firefighter

Jeffrey Cowen (Video)


Jeffrey Cowen is a Firefighter for the Sarnia Fire Rescue Services.
Brigitte Potvin | Directrice de la recherche et ingénieure

Brigitte Potvin

Career Profiles

Research Manager & Engineer

Brigitte Potvin is a research manager and engineer for the injury prevention and mobility laboratory of Simon Fraser University.
Jeffrey Cowen | Pompier

Jeffrey Cowen

Career Profiles

Firefighter, City of Sarnia

Jeffrey Cowen is a firefighter for the city of Sarnia, Ontario.
Dean Simon | Diététiste agréé, consultant privé

Dean Simon

Career Profiles

Registered Dietitican, Private Consultant

Dean Simon is a registered dietician and private consultant.
Alayna Alambra | Étudiante en médecine dentaire

Alayna Alambra

Career Profiles

Dental Student

Alayna Alambra is a dental student at the University of Manitoba, Dental School.
Chiara Toselli au travail dans un laboratoire

Chiara Toselli

Career Profiles

PhD Candidate

Chiara Toselli is a PhD Candidate in Life Sciences at the University of British Columbia.
Claire Bartman | Analyste de la qualité — Laboratoire de chimie analytique

Claire Bartman

Career Profiles

Food Quality Analyst, Analytical Chemistry

Claire Bartman is a quality analyst at Analytical Chemistry Lab.
Nguyen-Vi Mohamed | Chercheuse postdoctorale en neuropathologies

Nguyen-Vi Mohamed

Career Profiles

Postdoctoral fellow in Neuropathologies

Nguyen-Vi Mohamed is a Postdoctoral fellow in Neuropathologies at Dr Fon's laboratory.
Melanie Foley | Esthéticienne

Melanie Foley

Career Profiles


Melanie Foley is an Aesthetician at Elle Salon in Newfoundland.