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Genevieve Perono | Étudiante en pharmacologie

Genevieve Perono

Career Profiles

Pharmacology (Co-Op) Student

Genevieve Perono is a Pharmacology (co-op) student at McMaster University.
Jefferson Frisbee | Directeur et professeur du département de biophysique médicale de l'Université Western Ontario

Jefferson Frisbee

Career Profiles

Chair and Professor

Jefferson Frisbee is the a chair and professor for the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Western Ontario.
Winnica Beltrano | Fondatrice et conseillère principale, Project Pulse Winnipeg

Winnica Beltrano

Founder & Principal Advisor

Winnica Beltrano is the Founder & Principal Advisor at Project Pulse Winnipeg.
Rachel Gardiner | Optométriste

Rachel Gardiner

Career Profiles


Rachel Gardiner is an Optometrist located in Newfoundland.
Hannah Lee

Hannah Lee

Career Profiles

Associate Director, Strategic Marketing

Mike McDonald | Fondateur-directeur général de Recess Guardians de la Saskatchewan Blue Cross

Mike McDonald

Career Profiles

Founder/Executive Director

Mike McDonald is the Founder/Executive Director of Saskatchewan Blue Cross Recess Guardians.
Stephanie MacDonald | Coordonnatrice du don d'organes et de tissus

Stephanie MacDonald

Organ and Tissue Donation Coordinator

Stephanie MacDonald is a Organ and Tissue Donation Coordinator in Ontario.
Jennifer Gardy | Scientifique principale

Jennifer Gardy

Career Profiles

Deputy Director, Surveillance, Data, and Epidemiology Malaria | Global Health

Jennifer Gardy is the deputy director of surveillance, data, and epidemiology malaria for Global Health Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Norbert Lake | Chiropraticien

Norbert Lake

Career Profiles

Chiropractor and Healthcare Consultant

Norbert Lake is a Chiropractor and Healthcare Consultant at Dynamic Physio and Wellness.
Ben Sit | Diététiste

Ben Sit

Career Profiles

Registered Dietitian

Ben Sit is a registered dietitian, providing advice about nutrition and physical activity, in Ontario.
Simon Cooke | Physiothérapeute, Kinsmen Sports Centre Physical Therapy

Simon Cooke

Career Profiles


Simon Cooke is a Physiotherapist for Kinsmen Sports Centre Physical Therapy.
Kelly White | Massothérapeute autorisée

Kelly White

Career Profiles

Registered Massage Therapist

Kelly White is a registered massage therapist in Newfoundland.
Marc Fiume | PDG de DNAstack

Marc Fiume

Career Profiles


Marc Fiume is the CEO of DNAstack, a software that manages genomic data.
Janet Smylie | Médecin de famille et chercheuse

Janet Smylie

Career Profiles

Family Doctor and Research Scientist

Janet Smylie is a family doctor and research scientist at St. Michael's Hospital.
Renee Tookenay - Propriétaire d'entreprise

Renee Tookenay (Video)

Cosmetics Entrepreneur

Renee Tookenay is a Cosmetics Entrepreneur, located in Ontario.