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Renewable Energy

Portrait de Delia Warren

Delia Warren (she/her)

Career Profiles

Lead Renewables Consultant

I help companies get involved in the offshore wind energy sector.
A biodiesel filling station

Introduction to Biofuels

STEM Explained

Learn about biofuels and what makes them a promising alternative to fossil fuels.

Green leaf inside

Green Energy


An overview of environmentally-friendly ways to generate electricity and power

Sombto Ibe

Somto Ibe

Career Profiles

Engineer, Renewable Energy

Somto Ibe is responsible for ensuring that wind turbines and solar panels operate safely.
Martin Bush

Martin Bush

Career Profiles

Climate Science Consultant

Martin Bush works on climate change and renewable energy policy and action.

Alok Shirolikar

Career Profiles

Specialist Engineering Project Management

I manage teams that design and build offshore oil and gas pipeline infrastructure. I also support offshore wind projects.
Photographie inbtermittente des étoiles de la Voie lactée, dans l'hémisphère sud du Chili, par Rodrigo Vidal.

Rodrigo Vidal

Career Profiles

Architect, Teacher

My work helps people achieve the most comfortable temperature in their building.
Elaine Robichaud en randonnée avec vue sur le lac depuis le sommet d'une montagne

Elaine Robichaud

Career Profiles

Hydrology Engineer

Elaine Robichaud is a Hydrology Engineer for Hydro-Quebec.
Wind turbine and electrical cord

Generating Electricity: Wind Power


Learn how moving air can be used to generate electricity.

Solar power illustration

Generating Electricity: Solar Cells


Learn how energy from the Sun can be used to generate electricity.

Screen shot from The Solutioneers Episode 9

The Solutioneers Week 9: Renewable Energy


This week's episodes and hands-on activity explore renewable energy.

Bacteria can be used to generate electricity

Microbial Fuel Cells

STEM Explained

In a few decades, some of the electricity you use might be generated by bacteria.