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portrait par Bhupesh Chohan

Bhupesh Chohan (he/him)

Career Profiles

Laboratory Supervisor

I supervise and manage a laboratory that tests environmental samples for organic compounds.
gros plan des mains des techniciens montrant une pipette avec un échantillon de sang provenant d'un récipient

Marta V. (she/her)

Career Profiles

Forensic Search Biologist

I examine evidence from crime scenes for biological material such as blood, semen, or touch DNA.
Une personne portant des vêtements de protection, soudant un article.

Genevieve Ellis (she/her)

Career Profiles

Journey Person Boilermaker & Welding Supervisor

I oversee a group of welders and direct the work they do.
Michelle Henry

Michelle Henry

Non-Destructive Testing Technician

I inspect metal parts on nuclear reactors to make sure they are in good working order.
Joshua Walton derrière le volant d'un véhicule à l'essai.

Joshua Walton

Operations Leader, Vehicle Testing

I oversee the day-to-day operations of GM’s testing facility to make sure our vehicles can withstand the most extreme cold weather conditions.
Marianne Torres-Heckford in laboratory

Marianne Torres-Heckford

Microbiology Technologist

I provide technical assistance to the University of Winnipeg Biology Department teaching and research labs.
Craig Mercer tenant un gros saumon

Craig Mercer

Aquaculture Project Coordinator

Craig Mercer is an Aquaculture Project Coordinator for Cold Ocean Salmon.
Patrick Bate Ayuk | Technicien de laboratoire médical

Patrick Bate Ayuk

Medical Laboratory Technician

Patrick Bate Ayuk is a Medical Laboratory Technician for the University Health Network – Michener Institute.
Peter Rautapuro | Ingénieur de systèmesIngénieur de systèmes

Peter Rautapuro

Systems Engineer

Peter Rautapuro is a Systems Engineer for MDS Aero Support Corporation.
Maria Roussakis | Technologue de laboratoire médical

Maria Roussakis

Medical Laboratory Technologist

Maria Roussakis is a Medical Laboratory Technologist for the William Osler Health System.