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Water Lily

Flowers: Cup Shape

Picture Collections

8 images of some flowerheads such as roses and water lilies whose outer petals are longer than the petals in the centre of the flower


Flowers: Irregular Shape

Picture Collections

3 images of some asymmetrical flowerheads such as an iris and an Orchis Sima or Monkey Orchid


Flowers: Radial Shape

Picture Collections

7 images of some symmetrical flowerheads such as asters and sunflowers whose petals radiate from the centre of the flower


Flowers: Trumpet Shape

Picture Collections

5 images of some flowerheads such as petunias and lilies that start as a narrow base and widen to an open shape

 An artist’s interpretation of gene editing technology

Genome Editing

STEM Explained

Medical biotechnology allows scientists to make changes to the genomes of living things. What are the pros and cons of having access to techniques like these?

Green walls in Harvard University

Green Walls

STEM Explained

Green walls use plant processes to improve air quality in buildings.

fancy guppies

Guppies, Guppies Everywhere!

STEM Explained

How do different populations adapt to their environment? Let’s explore this concept through guppy speciation.

Hand with screwdriver “repairing” DNA

DNA Damage and Repair


This backgrounder explains the different ways that cells repair damage to DNA.

Woodpecker on a tree

Do Woodpeckers Get Concussions?

STEM Explained

Pecking puts a lot of force on a woodpecker’s brain. But scientists think woodpecker bodies are adapted to help keep them from being injured during pecking-related collisions.

a boy looks at a hamburger

Do You Know What's On Your Plate?

STEM Explained

In 2013, many Europeans learned their beef lasagnas were actually made of horse meat. Learn about food fraud, and how a Canadian invention can help detect it.

Massive algal bloom

Eutrophication: Why you should care about pond scum

STEM Explained

When fertilizers from agriculture get into lakes and rivers, big problems can result for aquatic ecosystems, food chains & webs!

Mother bird feeding a baby bird an insect

Exploring Food Chains


Students develop and apply the skills of questioning, sorting & classifying and making connections as they explore food chains in different habitats.

woman with camera

Eye vs. Camera

STEM Explained

The human eye lets us see the world by sending impulses to our nervous system. In many ways, it is very similar to other optical devices, including cameras.

Woman having a panic attack

Chemical Equilibrium and Panic Attacks

STEM Explained

Panic attacks are scary and they upset your body’s chemical equilibrium. Learn what happens to acids & bases in your circulatory system during a panic attack.

Lac-Mégantic fire on the day of the train derailment

CSI Lac-Mégantic: How are victims identified after a disaster?

STEM Explained

Learn about forensic pathology and other methods scientists use, like analysing the skeletal system, to identify the dead after a disaster.