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Natural Resources

Nancy Rogers debout sur un affleurement rocheux où elle prospecte des minéraux. Encadré : Roche de labradorite coupée pour exposer les motifs de couleur.

Nancy Rogers

Career Profiles

Genuine Prospector and Craftsperson

I travel to remote areas looking for signs of minerals and crystals.
Aynsley Foss

Aynsley Foss (she/her)

Career Profiles

Issues and Policy Manager

I advocate for the major producing mines across Ontario to ensure their long-term competitiveness.
Elaine Robichaud en randonnée avec vue sur le lac depuis le sommet d'une montagne

Elaine Robichaud

Career Profiles

Hydrology Engineer

Elaine Robichaud is a Hydrology Engineer for Hydro-Quebec.
Linda Duncan

Linda Duncan

Corporate Senior Metallurgist

Linda Duncan is a Corporate Senior Metallurgist for Teck Resources Limited.
Amina Bayram | analyste en pétrochimie/SIG

Amina Bayram

Career Profiles

Petrotechnical/GIS Analyst

Amina Bayram is a petrochemical/GIS analyst with Chevron IT in Alberta.