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Grades 1-3

Biology Volunteer Activities

Storytime - Microscope Fun

Read "Greg's Microscope" and learn about microscopes by building your own.

Biology Volunteer Activities

Animals Meet Alphabet

Students learn more about the diversity of animals through a card game.

Biology Volunteer Activities

Brain and Neurons

Students will learn about some important structures found in the human body’s nervous system along with their functions.

Astronomy and Space Science Volunteer Activities

Storytime - Pocket Solar System

Read "There's No Place Like Space" (or a similarly themed storybook) and learn about the Solar System by making a pocket diagram of the planets.

Biology Volunteer Activities

Beautiful Bees

Students build a bee from foam balls and pipe cleaners to learn the anatomy of the bee, make a proboscis to "eat like a bee" and learn the bee waggle dance.

Biology Volunteer Activities

Butterfly Life Cycle (With Video)

Students build a life cycle of a butterfly and then watch a 10 minute clip from the Carleton University Butterfly Show.

Physics Volunteer Activities

Balloon Cars and Pompom Poppers

Students build pompom poppers and balloon cars to learn about forces causing movement.

Earth & Environmental Science Volunteer Activities

Seed Dispersal

Students examine seeds, make predictions on how they disperse and create a simple seed carrier that flies like a maple key.

Biology Volunteer Activities


Make a hand stencil, then record your fingerprints with graphite and examine them up close to learn about your unique fingerprints.

Physics Volunteer Activities

Pompom Poppers and Catapults

Learn about forces by building a pompom popper and catapult.

Physics Volunteer Activities


Students will build a makeshift harmonica out of paper, popsicle sticks and toothpicks.

Chemistry Volunteer Activities

Chromatography Butterfly

Watch water flow up a coffee filter and separate the dye in a permanent marker, then create a butterfly with the end result.

Engineering Volunteer Activities

Flight Challenge

Build, launch and test a glider made of paper, a straw and an elastic.

Earth & Environmental Science Volunteer Activities

Cloud Mobile

Learn about clouds and how they form, then create a model of various clouds at their specific altitudes.

Health Sciences Volunteer Activities

A Model Hand

Create a model of your hand, with bones, knuckles, ligaments and tendons using paper, straw bits and string.