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A Model Hand

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Health Sciences Volunteer Activities

Create a model of your hand, with bones, knuckles, ligaments and tendons using paper, straw bits and string.

What You Need

For each child:

  • Hand template printed on cardstock
  • 5 pieces of string about 8 inches long each - these are the tendons and ligaments 
  • 3 straws
  • Tools: scissors, tape


What To Do

  1. Cut out the hand on the cardstock
  2. Cut 14 small pieces of straw and 5 longer pieces. Get an adult to help if you need it.
  3. Tape 3 small straw pieces on each finger.
  4. Tape 2 small straw pieces on the thumb.
  5. Tape a longer straw piece in the palm of the hand under each of the fingers.
  6. Thread the string through one set of straws from the tip of the finger to the end of the straw on the palm of the hand. Be careful not to pull the string all the way through.
  7. Tape the string at the tip of the finger so it doesn't pull through when you tug on it.
  8. Do this with the three other fingers and the thumb.
    You might have to cut the end of the string a bit if it gets frayed or tape it to the tip of the finger before threading it through to help make it easier. 
  9. Try picking something up with your hand. What can you pick up? How is your paper hand different from your real hand?

Bones are part of your skeletal system. Ligaments string between your finger bones and the finger bones and hand bones, connect bone to bone. Tendons string at the bottom of the hand bones that hang out connect bones to the muscles in your arm. The muscles in your arm move your fingers just like the strings move the fingers on your paper hand. 

Cool fact

The human body has 206 bones! The smallest one is the stapes in your inner ear, and the largest one is the femur - your top leg bone that runs from your hip to your knee.


What's Happening?

Bones are part of your skeletal system. Ligaments string between your finger bones and the finger bones and hand bones, connect bone to bone. Tendons string at the bottom of the hand bones that hang out connect bones to the muscles in your arm. The muscles in your arm move your fingers just like the strings move the fingers on your paper hand. 

Cool fact

The human body has 206 bones! The smallest one is the stapes in your inner ear, and the largest one is the femur - your top leg bone that runs from your hip to your knee.

