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Animals Meet Alphabet

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Biology Volunteer Activities
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Biology Volunteer Activities
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Time Needed for Activity

Students learn more about the diversity of animals through a card game.

What You Need

Materials Needed:

  • Printed deck of animal cards


Animal Cards:

List of animals:

What To Do

After the presentation is made by the instructors, the children can now be involved in a fun and engaging game called “Animals Meet Alphabet”. It is a perfect game for children to apply the information learned from the instructors’ presentation, and therefore result in a better understanding. It is suitable for either a large group or small group of children.

  1. Separate the class of children into teams of 2, 3 or 4 depending on the size of the class. For example, in a class of an even number of children such as 20, separate them into 2 or 4 teams. If the class has an odd number of children, separate the children into 3 teams. Make sure each team has about the same number of children.
  2. Have the children line up in their respective teams.
  3. The instructors will give an instruction for the round that includes an alphabet letter and one of the six main groups of animals (either using card, writing on the board or verbally shouting out the instruction).
  4. The first student in line from each team will compete in shouting out the animal that matches the instruction by starting with the correct alphabet letter and in the correct group of animals.
  5. Whichever child representative gives a correct answer the fastest wins and will stay for the next round. The rest of the representatives who lost will go to the back of the line and are eliminated. For example, if the instruction is a mammal starts with the letter “P”, the answers could be pig, panda, or panther.
  6. (Optional) The instructions can be made more difficult for older groups of children. The instructors can also add characteristics such as the colour of the animal and the food that the animal eats to get more specific answers.
  7. The instructions can be presented with pre-made cards.
  8. The game is over when all the children in a team are eliminated. The teams with remaining members win or the remaining teams can battle until there is only one remaining team. The winning team can receive awards like snacks (be sure to check for allergies first).
  9. If a situation is encountered where all the representatives from each team cannot give an answer within a minute, the instructors will count from 10 to 0 as the final count down. If no one can answer, all the representatives will be eliminated and move to the back of the line

At the end of the game, the instructors can make a brief comment about how all the animals play a significant part in the ecosystem, and therefore we should protect the endangered wildlife species to retain a healthy ecosystem. If time permits, the volunteer can get into this in more detail.

Investigate Further

At the end of the game, the instructors can make a brief comment about how all the animals play a significant part in the ecosystem, and therefore we should protect the endangered wildlife species to retain a healthy ecosystem. If time permits, the volunteer can get into this in more detail.