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Gerald Manning | Iqaluit Facility Manager

Gerald Manning

Career Profiles

Iqaluit Facility Manager

Gerald Manning is an Iqaluit Facility Manager for CGS, Gov. of Nunavut.
Stephanie Welton | Chercheuse indépendante

Stephanie Welton

Independent Researcher

Stephanie Welton is an Independent Researcher, working remotely across Canada.
Jefferson Frisbee | Directeur et professeur du département de biophysique médicale de l'Université Western Ontario

Jefferson Frisbee

Career Profiles

Chair and Professor

Jefferson Frisbee is the a chair and professor for the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Western Ontario.
Brittany Marchand | Golfeuse professionnelle LPGA

Brittany Marchand

Career Profiles

Professional Golfer

Brittany Marchand is a professional golfer for the Ladies Professional Golf Association.
Ella Harvey | gestionnaire de données chez OLD (Barcode of Life Data System).

Ella Harvey

Career Profiles

Data Manager

Ella Harvey is a data manager at BOLD (Barcode of Life Data System).
Debi Larkin | Cheffe de l’innovation inspirée par le client, 3M Canada

Debi Larkin

Career Profiles

Customer Inspired Innovation Leader

Debi Larkin is a customer inspired innovation leader at 3M Canada.
Jeff Clarke | Agent de police au service de police de Toronto

Jeff Clarke

Career Profiles

Police Constable

Jeff Clarke is a police constable for the Toronto Police Service.
Jessica Vandenberghe | Directrice de l’application des règlements, APEGA

Jessica Vandenberghe

Career Profiles

Director of Enforcement

Jessica Vandenberghe is the director of enforcement at APEGA.
Warren Bills | Développement numérique des entreprises agricoles

Warren Bills

Digital Farming Business Development

Warren Bills works on Digital Farming Business Development for Bayer Crop Science.
Winnica Beltrano | Fondatrice et conseillère principale, Project Pulse Winnipeg

Winnica Beltrano

Founder & Principal Advisor

Winnica Beltrano is the Founder & Principal Advisor at Project Pulse Winnipeg.
Andrew Newman | Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman (Video)

Career Profiles

Mechanical Tree Harvester

Andrew Newman is a mechanical tree harvester in Ontario.
Andrea Lysenko - Quality Assurance Supervisor at Chapman’s Ice Cream

Andrea Lysenko (Video)

Quality Assurance Supervisor

Andrea Lysenko is a Quality Assurance Supervisor for Chapman's Ice Cream.
Kevin Lee - Police Officer

Kevin Lee (Video)

Police Officer

Kevin Lee is a Police Officer in the Toronto Marine Unit.
Lacey Rose - County Forester, County of Renfrew

Lacey Rose (Video)

County Forester

Lacey Rose is a County Forester, currently located in Ontario.
Kelsey Privett - Géologue de projet d'exploration, Mine Lac des Iles

Kelsey Privett (Video)

Exploration Project Geologist

Kelsey Privett is an Exploration Project Geologist for Lac des Iles Mine - North American Palladium.