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Calin Lupa devant des montagnes

Calin Lupa

Career Profiles

Customer Engineer

Calin Lupa is a customer engineer at Google in Ontario.
Soneeka Patel | Responsable des comptes stratégiques, Google

Soneeka Patel

Career Profiles

Strategic Account Manager

Soneeka Patel is a Strategic Account Manager for Google.
Brigitte Potvin | Directrice de la recherche et ingénieure

Brigitte Potvin

Career Profiles

Research Manager & Engineer

Brigitte Potvin is a research manager and engineer for the injury prevention and mobility laboratory of Simon Fraser University.
Jason Dunkel | Analyste principal, Google

Jason Dunkel

Career Profiles

Analytical Lead

Jason Dunkel is an analytical lead at Google in Ontario.
Blair Gosselin | Ingénieur clientèle, Google

Blair Gosselin

Career Profiles

Customer Engineer

Blair Gosselin is a customer engineer at Google in Ontario.
Jeffrey Cowen | Pompier

Jeffrey Cowen

Career Profiles

Firefighter, City of Sarnia

Jeffrey Cowen is a firefighter for the city of Sarnia, Ontario.
Almond Au | Ingénieur client chez Google

Almond Au

Career Profiles

Customer Engineer

Almond Au is a customer engineer who solves complex problems with Google.
Dean Simon | Diététiste agréé, consultant privé

Dean Simon

Career Profiles

Registered Dietitican, Private Consultant

Dean Simon is a registered dietician and private consultant.
Murray Clayton | Forensic Anthropologist

Murray Clayton

Career Profiles

Forensic Anthropologist & Outreach Coordinator

Murray Clayton is a Forensic Anthropologist & Outreach Coordinator for the University of Toronto Mississauga.
Darcy Gentleman | Consultant principal, DJG Communications

Darcy Gentleman

Career Profiles

Principal Consultant

Darcy Gentleman is a principal consultant at DJG Communications.
Taleithat (Tia) West | Directrice de laboratoire de recherche et développement

Taleitha (Tia) West

Research and Development Laboratory Manager

Taleitha West is a Research and Development Laboratory Manager for Chemical Plants in British Columbia.
Patrick LeClair | Technicien en CDAO, spécialiste des ponts

Patrick LeClair

Career Profiles

Bridge CADD Technician

Patrick LeClair is a Bridge CADD Technician for the Government of Prince Edward Island.
Eric Addison | Ingénieur en logiciels, Google

Eric Addison

Career Profiles

Software Engineer

Eric Addison is a software engineer at Google in Washington, USA.
Alayna Alambra | Étudiante en médecine dentaire

Alayna Alambra

Career Profiles

Dental Student

Alayna Alambra is a dental student at the University of Manitoba, Dental School.
Kristina Elkhazin | Responsable de l’industrie de la vente au détail, Google Canada

Kristina Elkhazin

Career Profiles

Head of Industry for Retail

Kristina Elkhazin is the Head of Industry for Retail at Google.