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Fission & Fusion

General Electric-Hitachi Power Reactor Innovative Small Module

Redefining Energy with Small Modular Reactors


Learn about small modular reactor technology and its future in Canada.

Green leaf inside

Green Energy


An overview of environmentally-friendly ways to generate electricity and power

Medical image of the brain using Technetium-99m

Innovations in Nuclear Technologies

STEM Explained

Learn about why Canada is a world leader in nuclear technology.

Screen captures from embedded Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell videos

What are the Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy?

STEM Explained

These two “point-counterpoint” videos provide arguments for and against using nuclear energy to generate electricity.

Keplers Supernova. Image © NASA

The Life and Death of Stars

STEM Explained

The life and death of stars form the chemical elements that make up Earth, making stars critical to life as we know it.

Gentilly-2 nuclear reactor

Cleaning Up Nuclear Waste After Decommissioning

STEM Explained

When a nuclear reactor is no longer in use, the radioactivity in its materials remains. That’s why it’s important to safely deal with the radioactive waste those plants leave behind.